United We Stand, Divided We Fall
Hello there!
Welcome to Pure Silver, our blog community. Welcome to Pure Silver, our blog community. We encourage our members and our visitors to read the blogs to learn more about our goals, ministries and our overall purpose for doing what we have set out to do for the company.. This blog community is more than just a progress log of on-going events. It is a Christian moral centered blog community that strives to unite people all around the world, even if those people do not agree with Christianity or serve Christ.
We pride ourselves for creating a common ground where people can learn about our Christian faith as well as what we do with the business without feeling like they are being judged or treated badly simply because they have different perspectives and opinions that differ from ours. We accept people for who they are, but this does not mean our blog community is accepting of sin or sinful lifestyles that the Book clearly says is not acceptable or holy. We can still support people without supporting their sin or worldly ideologies and still keep their biblical morals without violating scripture. Meaning, the posts you engage with will mention the Book, Elohim and holiness at times, but the blog content is never written in a way to target others. We are a public business that is bound by federal laws of our state and would never to do something that would bring on legal consequences that would shame our name.
Our Backstory
Anointed Works is a Christian company that was founded by to President Wilson on January 18, 2018. The name came about when President Wilson asked Yahweh what He wanted the company to be called. Yahweh spoke to President Wilson and instructed her to call the company Anointed Works. He asked her to do what she was already doing professionally, which is create Christian anime and content for Christians to enjoy that would help lead others to Christ. In 2020, Yahweh spoke to President Wilson again and this time, He told her to start another business that would be the parent of the second one. This time it was a online church and in this church, she was to preach, teach and minister to people using origin texts of Hebrew and Greek as well as the 200 book that were wrongly removed from Elohim's Book (Bible).
​What We Do
President Wilson has designated her company to do specific tasks that help her reach her personal milestones and professional goals for Anointed Works.
Our primary objective is to produce Christian content through our art department, Zion Studio. Zion Studio's projects focus on teach people about Christ, the entire Book and apologetics. fundamentals of the Book.
What You Can Expect From Us
We strive to create informative, engaging and helpful articles for our readers. If you have a topic you'd like us to write about, drop a comment below and let us know what's on your mind. We love hearing from others and receiving feedback from the community.
Copyright © 2022 Anointed Works