What We Offer
Our free service provides free sponsorship for creators who have a brand, business or a hobby. Our paid services are web exclusive for members. Members can level up their VIP rank by purchasing a VIP Plan. Every rank has its own set of rules and benefits.
Christian Anime (Animation)
We are committed to educating and inspiring people with strong moral values. Our innovative approach includes using Christian anime to engage our audience and spread the word of Elohim, but to ultimately educate and inform our audience about good and evil. We are convinced that everyone deserves the opportunity to discover the whole truth of the Book and grow in their relationship with Yeshua Christ. Through this service, we hope to make a positive impact with our content on the lives of people around the world.
There are no strings attached for this service or hidden fees whatsoever. It's risk free and doesn't cost people anything. Anointed Works does not make anything off sponsoring creators and creators do not get paid for this service at any point during their sponsorship. Saved or not saved, Anointed Works desires to help creators with hobbies, talents and a legit, legal business or profession. The main reason we do this is because no one helped us and everything we achieved was paved through stress, labor and depression. No one should feel this when pursuing their passion. No one should feel ignored, alone or devalued simply because they are not popular or poor. This service is the perfect opportunity for creators to gain free exposure for themselves. We will repost your content on our platforms with the proper hashtags and create eye-catching social posts with engaging captions using Canva, our official design platform. We strictly offer online promotion, not offline. Creators who are interested must be (18 )years older and are required to read our Sponsorship Policy before applying for this service.
VIP Club
Hey. You look bored. Let's give you something to do. Join our VIP Club and purchase a VIP plan today to gain access to The Velvet Rope.