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A Black man part of the Green Team for Zion Studio.
A Native man part of the Red Team for Zion Studio.
A White man part of the Green Team for Zion Studio.

Forger Story

The Forgers do a few things before considering purifying secular title. First, they pray and seek the Lord on what title is appropriate to observe. Second, they use Google or Wiki to get the overall grasp of the theme and look up images to see if the artwork is reasonable. Porn, excessive gore and exploitation children, butchery of the male or female bodies that represent the temple of Lord and is Their reflection-- is not acceptable to study or observe. It is important to know that the Forgers of Zion Studio have pasts before they woke up to what was really going on and chose to seek their sanctification of Elohim. Meaning, so some of them watched secular works that contained immorality, idolatry, worship of devils, sexual themes, profane language, use of drugs, use of alcohol, etc. Due to their pasts that were entangled with these secular works, they truly understand now what is appropriate and what is unacceptable for their job. With this in mind, Forgers avoid extremities in these areas and refuse to watch secular titles that emphasis such themes. Although some works that are approved by Elohim to observe and study are shrouded in darkness, the approved titles are nothing like the ones the Forgers grew up with as children and continued to entertain into their adulthood.

Finally, the Forgers do not recycle their observation studies. What this means is, if they dissected a secular work that focused on LGBTQ+ relationships or endorsement, then they don’t need to find another title that does that same thing, because they’ve already salvaged what they needed from their previous observation study. There are several things that are evil and evil has a way of repeating itself so the Forgers don’t bother newer titles from their rivals for this reason. Once you’ve seen something, you’ve seen it all.

Not every secular work was completed where others were. Forgers don’t always stick around if they suspect the direction is going south or if the show loses focus on the original message and becomes demonic the whole time. Forgers are dedicated to spreading the Gospel and sharing the love of Yeshua Christ through their purified works and they go to battle in ways that most Christians refuse to do. Some Christians will go to war for their country an family, some will go into the hood and witness to gangs, some will go into bars to witness only to be thrown out, some go to other countries to witness and are killed for sharing the Good News. Forgers go to war in the animation industry and see what is Christians and sinners like about something, fight demons who seeks to oppress their mission to serve their communities with Godly entertainment.

Secular titles are attractive, that’s why both sides like them and find every excuse to engage, so Forgers make it their mission to redirect people in dark fantasy and ungodly entertainment to the light through compassion and kindness, reflecting the teachings of Yeshua in our purified works along the way. Our team is committed to uplifting and supporting those who want to have entertainment, offering hope and encouragement through our actions and content. Together, we strive to be a light in the world where darkness has become the norm and entertainment is everything. We want Yeshua to be your everything, so if you’re fan of the secular titles below, be on the look for our stuff, because we intend to match our rivals emery, even if it take the rest of our lifetime to do it.

Creation Portfolio

Our Purified Works

Herein lies a compilation of mighty works, spanning from heaven to earth, authored by us, but inspired by Elohim. We have Christianized several titles, including over 30 renown secular works, but due to the brevity of human life and the divine prophecies regarding the end times Elohim spoke of, we could only select a limited number of titles. The Producer has curated various selections and amalgamated them into a singular work, ensuring that those familiar with these secular franchises will readily recognize them in our creations. Artzenin Eklekots, the Producer of Zion Studio, has generously contributed numerous personal projects, providing us with an extensive foundation for our endeavors. She began her journey of purification long before her company was established in 2018 on January 10. With her support and the wealth of her past creations, we have crafted works that will inspire and point our audience to Elohim. Should we complete these projects in time—before our own mortality or the return of the Lord—we intend to expand our portfolio further.

Project Book

Published: N/A

Creation Date: 10/3/2022

Completion Date: TBA

Audience: Teen,  Adult

Forger Team: Rainbow 

Description: Bio is pending.

Project House

Published: TBA

Creation Date: 2/3/2024

Completion Date: TBA

Audience: Teen, Adult ​

Forger Team: Blue, Red, Black, White, Green, Orange, Yellow

Description: Bard Tales: House Of Ballads is the prequal of Bard  Tales: Make A Joyful Noise. Follow the journey of two Pathfinders who have been sent rom the Galactic Federation to aid Headmaster Oreock in the Tenogku Solar System on planet Groove. Their mission is to study the Harmony Scrolls, learn their secrets and secure each Harmony Scroll in the cathedrals across Groove before the Sound Lord and the Crescendo Army steal them. The Sound Lord intends to replace each Harmony Scroll with a Chaos Scroll, which will surely bring doom upon anyone who attempts to play their cords or sing their ballads. There are two path lines the reader can follow. Kadesh and Mored. Depending on what path line and what choices the reader selects will alter the storyline for the Pathfinders. The Harmony Scrolls themselves are collection of ballads and that capture the bards’ pasts, former lifestyles of vice (sin) and struggles with various types of addictions, such as abuse of drugs, abuse of alcohol and herbs of the field. Ballads also touch on sensitive topics, such as suicide, graphic descriptions of pain or death political views and LGBTQ+ themes. The ballads are testimonies of how the bards overcame their struggles and found salvation and their stories shouldn’t be mistaken for glorification of sin, but seen as exposing it for what it is.


Legal Disclaimer: Because of how the bards are expressing their rawness and emotions in their ballads and do not hold back when it comes to what he/she went through when they in their vice, RDA (Reader Discretion Advised) is needed for some ballads the reader will encounter. Please keep in mind the bards have found Avril Tryst (Yeshua Christ) and have been redeemed of what they once supported or struggled with. Do not imitate the bards bad choices when it comes to suicide, murder, theft, lying, harlotry or abuse of substances. Their ballads exist to teach readers right from wrong and are not meant to glorify vice or bad choices that have legal or serious health consequences.

Readers need to keep in mind that the ballads are also the bards’ personal testimonies. Meaning, the bards were once in dark places and currently are no longer in those dark places and are new creations in Tryst. Anointed Works and Zion Studio workers are not liable for readers who choose to partake in bad choices prior to reading Bard Tales: House Of Ballads nor do we permit readers who already struggle with addictions to read this anthology if he/she is going to be tempted to make bad choices or further it.  Readers are not allowed to use this project, which is designed to be a teaching tool to divert people from evil as their shield/scapegoat to justify their bad habits or criminal lifestyles in general. It is the reader's responsibility to know if he/she is sane, legally allowed and permitted to engage with this project.

If reader is not legally allowed to be exposed to Christian doctrine or theology due the mandates of the county that they reside in, then that person cannot read the anthology until they are of age. If reader is allowed, but is a minor then they must obtain permission from parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to read the anthology. Readers further understands that if they are mentally unstable or in a bad place in their personal life for any reason, have trauma or can be easily trigged by the sensitive topics the bards write about, they are not allowed to engage with this project until they are mentally stable and not going to be tempted or triggered by the content they read.


Project Noise

Published: TBA

Creation Date: 6/17/2023

Completion Date: TBA

​Audience: Teen, Adult

Forger Team: White, Black, Grey

Description: Bard Tales: Make A Joyful Noise is a collection of sagas that feature renown bards that make cameo appearances in our projects and our affiliates projects. Readers can look for the bards in novels and lores, but will merely see them referenced and briefly talked about every now and then. In Bard Tales: Make A Joyful Noise the reader will actually meet the bards, will unlock their quest lines, be able to choose routes for the bards that will result in different endings for every bard. The other projects we have made up until this point does not offer a choice/preference system, but this project does (within reason) and is designed to make the reader's experience fun, interactive, personal and immersive. The bards are taught how to cleanse lyrics and purify at the Bard's College. The bards do this so they can sing the beats of the pagan songs and enjoy them without the demonic and sexual themes  that offended the Trigonous. We encourage readers to figure out what songs the bards have Christianized so they can find the secular counter parts and play the music and sing along with the bards. ​ The bards will appear throughout our projects and projects of our affiliates. Can you find them all? Will you listen to their epic songs and be moved by their honeyed words? After they complete their training we will release the bards one by one. They will and meet you in your reading journey when special editions of novels are completed. Until that time comes, the bards will train their vocal cords, sharpen their conversion skills of secular lyrics and master their unique instruments at the Bard's College. 

Project Shot

Published: TBA

Creation Date: 5/4/2016

Completion Date: TBA

Audience: Adult

Forger Team: Yellow, Orange, Purple, Green

Description: Bio is pending.

Project Hill

Published: TBA

Creation Date: 11/23/2024

Completion Date: TBA

Audience: Adult

Forger Team: Rainbow, Platinum, Gold, Silver, Bronze 

Description: Bio is pending.

TVアニメ『暁のヨナ』第2クール オープニングテーマ 「暁の華」

TVアニメ『暁のヨナ』第2クール オープニングテーマ 「暁の華」

TVアニメ『暁のヨナ』第2クール オープニングテーマ 曲名:「暁の華」 アーティスト:Cyntia 作詞: SAKI 作曲: AZU 編曲: SATORI SHIRAISHI & Cyntia 白泉社「花とゆめ」で連載中、コミックス累計250万部突破の人気作品『暁のヨナ』テレビアニメ化!10月7日より放送中!! TVアニメ『暁のヨナ』公式サイト: TVアニメ『暁のヨナ』オフィシャルTwitterアカウント: <放送情報> TOKYO MX (毎週火曜) 24:30~ サンテレビ   (毎週火曜) 24:40~ テレビ愛知   (毎週火曜) 25:35~ RKK熊本放送(毎週火曜) 26:13~ BS11   (毎週火曜) 27:00~ AT-X      (毎週火曜) 23:00~           (毎週木曜) 11:00~        (毎週土曜) 29:00~        (毎週月曜) 17:00~ <スタッフ> 監督:米田和弘 シリーズ構成:猪爪慎一 キャラクターデザイン:吉川真帆 音楽:梁 邦彦 音響監督:長崎行男 アニメーション制作:studioぴえろ <キャスト> ヨナ:斎藤千和 ハク:前野智昭 スウォン:小林裕介 キジャ(白龍):森田成一 シンア(青龍):岡本信彦 ジェハ(緑龍):諏訪部順一 ゼノ(黄龍):下野 紘 ユン:皆川純子  アオ(プッキュー):山本希望 ほか <あらすじ> 高華国の姫・ヨナは、優しい父王に大切に育てられ、従兄のスウォンに想いを寄せる平穏な日々を送っていた。 だがヨナの16歳の誕生日深夜、宮廷内で事件が起こる。 父イル王がスウォンによって殺害されたのだ。城を追われたヨナと護衛のハクは、神官イクスのお告げに従い伝説の四龍を探す旅に出る。 そして数々の困難を乗り越え四龍を集結させたヨナは、武器をとり、彼らと共に国を守ることを決意するのだった…  王女ヨナの冒険と仲間たちとの絆、成長を描く大河ロマン! (C)草凪みずほ・白泉社/暁のヨナ製作委員会


DAOKO × 米津玄師『打上花火』MUSIC VIDEO ────── ▶Daoko 8th ALBUM『Slash-&-Burn』> ▶NEXT Daoko LIVE > ────── DAOKO × 米津玄師『打上花火』配信中! ▽iTunes DAOKO × 米津玄師『打上花火』アニメーションMUSIC VIDEO 映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?』主題歌   DAOKO 3rdシングル「打上花火」 2017年8月16日(水)発売 初回限定盤[CD+DVD]TFCC-89631 ¥1,620(税込)  イラスト描き下ろしジャケット  DAOKO 2016 ”青色主義” TOUR at 赤坂BLITZ 2016.09.22 ライブ映像収録 通常盤[CD]TFCC-89632 ¥1,296(税込) <収録曲> 映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?』主題歌 01. 打上花火/DAOKO × 米津玄師  作詞・作曲:米津玄師  Produced by 米津玄師 映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?』挿入歌 02. Forever Friends/DAOKO  作詞・作曲:REMEDIOS  ※通常盤のみの収録 『神撃のバハムートVIRGIN SOUL』エンディングテーマ 3. Cinderella step/DAOKO  作詞・作曲 DAOKO 編曲 江島啓一(サカナクション) <映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?』情報> 声の出演:広瀬すず 菅田将暉    宮野真守 / 浅沼晋太郎 豊永利行 梶裕貴    三木眞一郎 花澤香菜 櫻井孝宏 根谷美智子 飛田展男 宮本充 立木文彦 / 松たか子 原作: 岩井俊二  脚本 :大根仁 総監督 :新房昭之  企画・プロデュース:川村元気  監督:武内宣之  キャラクターデザイン:渡辺明夫 音楽:神前暁  アニメーション制作: シャフト ©2017「打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?」製作委員会 公開日:2017年8月18日(金) 公式HP: ◯ Daoko(ダヲコ)プロフィール Daoko(ダヲコ)1997 年⽣まれ、東京都出⾝。 15 歳の時にニコニコ動画へ投稿した楽曲で注⽬をあつめ、2015 年『DAOKO』でメジャーデビュー。 その後も⽶津⽞師との「打上花⽕」、岡村靖幸との「ステップアップLOVE」など、実⼒派アーティストとの共作を⾏いつつ、ソロでの活動も続ける。 ⼩説の執筆、絵画個展の開催、女優業など多様なクリエイティヴ表現を続け、国内外で注⽬を集めている。 2019 年に個⼈事務所“てふてふ”を設⽴し、2020年には4th アルバム『anima』を発表。 2023年6月に2部作連続で公開予定の劇場版「美少女戦士セーラームーンCosmos」の主題歌を担当。書き下ろし楽曲「月の花」が5月26日(金)に先行配信決定! 現在は自主レーベル“てふてふ”にて活動中! ◯Official HP ◯Official Blog ◯Official Twitter DAOKO ( ) DAOKO staff ( ) ◯Official Instagram ◯Official Fun Club”ひだまり”
Takt Op Destiny [ AMV ] Hero - Cash cash

Takt Op Destiny [ AMV ] Hero - Cash cash

One day, a black meteorite fell on the world, and the world completely changed. The meteorite produced grotesque monsters called D2, which started running rampant. D2 very quickly banned all music, which was the one thing able to overcome them. But there were some people who resisted the D2. They are young women who hold the power of music, the "Musicart." These young women hold "scores" that are able to defeat the monsters. And there are also people who lead these women, the Conductor. The anime takes place in America in the year 2047, which has fallen to ruin thanks to the D2. Takt, a Conductor, is partnered with a Musicart named Unmei. Takt yeans for music to be returned to the world, and Unmei wishes to destroy the D2. Their aim is to travel to New York. I hope you like it and if you like it don't forget to subscribe and leave a message on the comment section Song ~ Hero - Cash Cash Link: Thumbnail:Tack Op Destiny Anime: Takt Op. Destiny Editing app ~ VivaCut & Capcut (PHONE) DISCLAIMER: "All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them." Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. NOTE: If you have an issue with me posting this song,picture or videos please contact me in this email. #Anime #TaktOpDestiny #HERO #MarkuzIgnacioSensei #AMV #MUSIC #Edit #TaktOpDestinyAmv #CosetteAMV
Takt Op. Destiny - Opening | 4K | 60FPS | Creditless |

Takt Op. Destiny - Opening | 4K | 60FPS | Creditless |

Anime: Takt Op. Destiny Song: takt Artist: ryo (supercell) ft. Mafumafu, gaku ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Discord: Support me: Endcard-Wallpaper: Youtube-Banner by Jaze (Discord-Tag: Jaze™# 0703) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ※ Disclaimer • Companies that claim rights to my videos are entitled to the monetisations and will earn a profit from my videos if they decide to monetize them. This is not my decision. • Personal monetisations are disabled and will remain so forever. I do not make and have no plans on making a profit from this, but I do accept donations in form of coffees or tea! • If you want the video removed, I'd appreciate if you request the video to be globally blocked or muted, since it's hassle to deal with copyright strikes. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #TaktOpDestiny #takt #ryo
Titan Rage Mode vs Hell & Heaven「AMV」Takt Op. Destiny - Don't Surrender ᴴᴰ

Titan Rage Mode vs Hell & Heaven「AMV」Takt Op. Destiny - Don't Surrender ᴴᴰ

✦✦✦✦✦ 🅢🅤🅑🅢🅒🅡🅘🅑🅔 ✦✦✦✦✦ ✦✦✦✦✦ 🅢🅗🅐🅡🅔 ✦✦✦✦✦ ✦✦✦✦✦ 🅛🅘🅚🅔 ✦✦✦✦✦ ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Bringing high quality content, the channel “KING AMV's 夢” is proud to be able to add value to the anime community in general. Bringing varied and diverse content for a better experience for your audience. The edited videos have different scenes from various free commercial animations, thanks to the animation developers who provided us with their incredible creations! it is a great happiness to add value to this AMV, editing it with several scenes of different animations to create something totally new. ✦✦✦✦✦ 🅘🅝🅕🅞 ✦✦✦✦✦ ► Alternative Title: Takt op.「AMV」- Don't Surrender ᴴᴰ ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Anime: Takt Op. Destiny / Takt op.(タクトオーパス) ► Link: ► Music: Egzod & EMM - Don't Surrender ► Link: ► Genres: Action, Fantasy ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Synopsis: Lenny remembers her past. Lenny recalls the image of an irreplaceable person. Everything was piled up today to do what we should do. Lenny heads to the meeting place with the giant and tries to tell Tact and his destiny all the truth. However, an unexpected person was waiting there. ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Bands and Artists: ( Egzod ) SoundCloud: Facebook: Instagram: ► Bands and Artists: ( EMM ) SoundCloud: Facebook: Instagram: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Content Information: ( Takt Op. Destiny ) Type: TV Episodes: Unknown Status: Not yet aired Aired: Oct 6, 2021 to ? Premiered: Fall 2021 Broadcast: Wednesdays at 00:00 (JST) Producers: DeNA, Bandai Namco Arts Licensors: None found, add some Studios: Madhouse, MAPPA Source: Original Theme: Music Duration: Unknown Rating: None ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Discord Group: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Watch in HD 1080p/60FPS ► Like, Comment and Subscribe! ► Made by: KING AMV's 夢 ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Follow Me on: Instagram: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► DISCLAIMER Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use"for purposes such as news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Support the official anime channels: Crunchyroll: Funimation: Aniplex USA: Netflix: Bilibili: MAPPA CHANNEL: KADOKAWA: TOHO animation: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► For business inquiries and proposal: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► All rights reserved to: Producers: DeNA, Bandai Namco Arts Licensors: None found Studios: Madhouse, MAPPA ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► 0:00-2:41 - Takt Op. ► 2:42-2:57 - END ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ 🅔🅝🅓 ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ #AMV #ANIME #MUSIC #VIDEO #TAKTOPDESTINY #EGZOD #EMM #DONTSURRENDER
MindaRyn - "Fireworks" ("Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion" EP6 ED) | Lyric Video

MindaRyn - "Fireworks" ("Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion" EP6 ED) | Lyric Video

2024.2.4(sun) MindaRyn Acoustic Solo Live "My place" チケット一般発売中! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Fireworks" Music Video (Episode 6 Ending Theme Song of "Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion") DL & Streming CD order ----- MindaRyn 6th Single "SURVIVE" Release Date:Wednesday, 5/24/2023 Price:¥1,300 + tax Part Number:LACM-24384 01. SURVIVE (Opening Theme Song of "Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion") Written and Composed by SACHIKO Arranged by 小山 寿 02. Fireworks Written and Composed and Arranged by Ryu (Ryu Matsuyama) 03. The Reason of Kindness (English Version) Written by こだまさおり Composed by 宮崎 誠 Translated by MindaRyn, Joelle Arranged by None (SINCLAD | One Eye Closed) ----- Fireworks Written, Composed and Arranged by Ryu (Ryu Matsuyama) Please let me go Before it’s too late Don’t let me fall In the deep of your chest Still we don’t know What’s hiding inside us Please let me go Before I fall in love Letters Secrets Between you and me Like feathers Feathers? How it would be If nothing ties our will When I look in to your eyes I see the grey I see the lies That covers your smile When you look in to my eyes Do you feel the same Do you see the lies That covers my pain Your hand My hand I feel you closer Slowly touching Please let me go Before it’s too late Don’t let me fall In the deep of your chest Still we don’t know What’s hiding inside us Please let me go Before I fall in love I don’t know what I’m saying It can’t be stopped This heart is racing so fast Please let me fall Yes please let me fall And let me go Before I fall in love ----- "Fireworks" Lyric Video staff Director : 山本翔一 ----- [Official Website] [YouTube] [Twitter] [Staff Twitter] [Facebook] [Instagram] [TikTok] #彼女が公爵邸に行った理由 #公爵邸
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