We have been working hard since our establishment in 2018. Non-stop as a matter fact. We still lack sponsorship, have no financial aid from others or groups, no partnerships and as of late, no active employees due to personal matters outside of the office. Life happens though and rather than complain about what has befallen our company, we prayed and asked Yahweh what He wanted us to do. The Lord led us to a bed and told us to lay down and rest. Best answer ever. Don't worry, we're still working, just not in the same way when we started out.
This pause in production saddens President Wilson, but at the same time it excites her. She came to terms that she lost to the marketing mix, to her competitors and didn't get a fair chance to show the world what she had to offer and that's okay. She has Elohim and a devoted steam backing her in prayer and that's a great comfort to her. A fresh perspective and strategy will be needed, but that cannot come to Anointed Works when we've exhausted our limits.
Whatever will come from this season of rest and inactivity, President Wilson is fine with it and will continue to find more ways to optimize the website, artwork, projects and improve our work ethic for the future. If you have been following us or just now hearing about us and want to learn more, don't worry. We're coming back and will have refined content for you when our sleep is over. Until then, take care, continue to pray for us and our people so we can keep fighting the good fight.
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