As the countdown to the beginning of Snapshot and its first season approaches, we wanted to take a moment to explain to you what it is about and be transparent about Snapshot's purpose and provide a detailed explanation as to how we, a Christian group, can touch on superpowers for our characters, for we are painfully aware of how people associate any form of power (even Elohim's power) to witchcraft and see it as a contradiction when a Christian says witchcraft is a avon (and it is), but then they can read or watch movies about the Book and sees the Nevi'ims (prophets), Yeshua, His disciples/apostles, Yahweh sending down a pillar of fire, a man outrunning chariots on their legs, Samson and Judah who were insanely strong, people able to raise the dead, walk on water, have a staff turn into a snake, a man that was turned into a donkey by a witch (Mary's Gospel) only to become a human later, various people being healed of illness and disease, a man swallowed by a sea creature, die then come back to life and be vomited up onto to land without acid damage, and more.
We get it, we know what it looks like, but let's backtrack and look closer at why those things happen and why they're going to openly happen in Snapshot. Let's open up with what Snapshot is.
Snapshot a Christian supernatural episodic series centered on Maxine Sarsfield, one of seven individuals with powers described in the Book Of Reuben. Reuben spoke of seven innate powers that are given to human from birth that were intended to point people to Elohim. Maxine embraces her gift from an early age and enjoyed using it, but one night she used her gift and witnessed a murder. Saddened and traumatized from what she saw, Maxine begged Elohim to take her power away and she told herself she’d never use it again. Seven years pass and Maxine finds herself in a life or death situation where must use her power to save her soulmate, Dejah Chamott from a threat known as Le Jeu.
It's important to remember that when you read Snapshot and see the usage of supernatural abilities from Maxine and the seven other characters you meet, that you don't confuse what Maxine and her friends are doing with witchcraft. Now we're going to explain the difference so there's no confusion, for we know this is a heated topic, but for you all to understand where we're coming from, we must delve into this briefly for context purposes.
Elohim made Lucifer and is power and can use power however They want in any shape, form and mass that They want. Up until the fall, what did Lucifer have and use? Power. Where did he get it from? His divine parents. Lucifer, like all the other seraphim during that timeframe, simply had his father and mother's power (Ruwah is a woman, see Hebrew origin to learn the gender of the Holy Spirit. Mistranslations are not doing a good job at representing Yahweh's isha at all.) and then he and the 3rd that went with him, got kicked out for their persha and avon. In his rebellion down here, where we live, he renames his power (that literally isn't even his, he never made it, it was given to him by Elohim) to "witchcraft".
Naturally, his demons repeat after him and further the deception and although it is recorded as witchcraft and Christians know to stay away from it, his origin of that power came from Elohim, who is good and holy. He misused and abused his power and made a new title for it. The Watcher Incident also touched on the introduction to witchcraft. The Watcher's are briefly mentioned in Bereshis 6: 1-3, but the details of the event and what led up to the birth of witchcraft is further explained in depth in the Book Of Enoch. Enoch tells you how this transition started and provides even more context behind supernatural powers of spirits where the Book Of Reuben and the Book Of Levi provide context as to how and why humans are born with supernatural powers that many times, are dormant and don't work unless Elohim chooses to enlighten the human and asks them to use them. Due to people not having the full truth as our team does, many people (Christians included) believe Elohim is a contradiction when it comes to this topic in the Book. We are here to tell our audience through Snapshot, it's not a contradiction, Elohim (Yahweh/Ruwah/Yeshua) are not wizards, witches, warlocks, etc. nor is Elohim a hypocrite for telling mortals to not use witchcraft, but then graciously provides the "gifts of the Holy Spirit" for Christians. This open and direct endorsement of supernatural gifts is stated in the Brit Chadashah (Corinthians 13, 14).
Power is power, but where ones draws that power is makes the difference and Maxine knows her power is supernatural, that she didn't create it herself and that her power comes from Elohim. How does she know this? Because she read Enoch, Ruben, Levi, Moshe (There is a book Of Moshe mentioned in Ezra 6: 18 which is not to be confused with Exodus) and saw countless instances in those stories of Godly people using powers, supernatural powers and she simply understood that Elohim is good and Lucifer is bad. Maxine further understands that if she disobey the voice of Elohim and chooses to embrace Lucifer's power, that is called witchcraft, she will harm her good standing with Elohim, commit persha and avon and if left repented of, will be separated from Elohim when she returns unto Them after she dies. Maxine gets spiritual politics because she studied to show herself approved and accepts the canon truth of the Book. Her soulmate, Dejah however, is not so... shall we say... okay with how Elohim requires she stay away from Lucifer and his "eye candy" and struggles to be a authentic Christian.
#ZionStudio #ZS #Forgers #Snapshot #Introduction
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