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Bringing Snapshot To Life

Writer's picture: Zion StudioZion Studio

Updated: Jan 1

Snapshot was not a original creation of Zion Studio or suggested by a Forger to be presented to a Project Manager for approval. It was a fanfiction from the Life Is Strange franchise that Producer Rachel Wilson had written and completed during 2015-2017. Despite being a secular concept written as a fanfiction, the foundation of that Snapshot was previously established. Meaning, the Producer had a completed plot, message for her readers and obviously, the secular characters were set in stone when she came to us about it. Prior to converting the secular fanfiction into what is now known as Project Shot in the month of April, 2024, Zion Studio had to figure out three major elements to start production. Those elements were:

  1. How do we draw in readers from the Life Is Strange community.

  2. How do we teach a Godly, kind, loving message that counters the LGBTQ+ indoctrination that we know as Christians without doubt is morally wrong and a ploy of Hell without coming off as judgmental (in the worse way possible) and like we’re being bias or a bigot when in reality, we are only showing people what Elohim is saying.

  3. How do we create a effective story arc that resembles and mirrors the Life Is Strange universe without boring our readers with a theme they've already seen?

This franchise is popular and we felt in order to create a worthy variation of it, we needed to address those elements with caution and care. The Forger teams responsible for Project Shot were: Blue, Pink, Red an Black.

Blue Team focused on Christianizing the overall theme of Life Is Strange and observing playthroughs of the franchise, the characters and their personalities, the Snapshot Gallery layout and loglines for the project.

Pink Team focused on creating sound, Book messages, creating additional character, dialog, journals, plot twists and relationship development between same-sex and opposite sex characters.

Red Team focused on quality, scene transitions, delivery and the scripture refences needed to counter the demonic teachings in Life Is Strange.

Black Team focused on character concepts, artwork, outfits, backgrounds, character biographies, social media presentation of our characters.

Voice Actors/Voice Overs

We don’t have VA’s lined out, but the Producer has a been following some potential candidates on LinkedIn. The idea is to hire VAs to read the journals. This will be a huge milestone for us once we have the funding to do it. Recruiting voice actors is vital, but we don't want just any VAs. The Producer, as well as the Forgers, want the right men and women to bring out the true essence of our young and adult characters. Out of everything we want to bring to life, it’s the journals. The Producer strongly feels that if she can get the right voices to match the characters, it will have a personal impact on readers, make them emotional and ultimately, come to love the character. We want our VA to help spice up our characters and leave huge impressions on people to VAs like:

  • Ashley Burch: Chloe Price | Life Is Strange, Borderlands

  • Alli Hillis: Liara | Mass Effect 1-5

  • Arleen Sorkin: Harley Quinn (DC)

  • Guy Cihi: James Sunderland | Silent Hill, Silent Hill: 2

  • Hannah Telle: Maxine Caulfield | Life Is Strange

  • Jessica Darrow: Luisa Madrigal | Encanto

  • Jonathan Franks: David Xanatose, Disney’s Gargoyles

  • Keith David: Golaith | Disney’s Gargoyles, Halo

  • Kerie Russel: DC’s Wonder Woman

  • Keven Conroy: DC’s Batman

  • Lance Reddick: Sylens | Horizon: Zero Dawn, Horizon: Forbidden West

  • Laura Giacomo: Fox Xanatose | Disney’s Gargoyles

  • Luke Roberts: James Sunderland | Silent Hill: 2 Remake

  • Rachel Robinson: Fang | Final Fantasy XIII

  • Stephanie Beatriz: Mirabel Madrigal | Encanto

  • Susan Eisenberg: Justice League, Justice League Unlimited (DC)

  • Wilmer Valderrama: Augustin Madrigal | Encanto

All of the people (both living and deceased) we have listed, are highly talented, can sing and deliver their lines flawlessly in our opinion. It is high priority to find VAs who can do this for our characters. We want to create powerful, unique voices for our characters so much that it will leave our readers breathless, impressed and anxious for more. Until this happens we will be missing a key element in the production phase, but sadly, we cannot rush this process, we must have more support and lots of money available to hire notable VAs or VAs in general. Producer has estimated we'll spend at least 10K-17K or more on journals. We have four seasons planned for Snapshot and with each season we intend to add to the characters’ journals and introduce new characters, supporting characters and side characters, which is a open door for calling back the VAs for work.


Another challenge we have is creating a original soundtrack for Snapshot. Currently, the Producer put together a Apple Music playlist that has a list of the songs that inspired and brought Snapshot and its characters to life. It could serve as a soundtrack, but it wouldn’t be original and we’d have to pay trademark fees if we intend to use the playlist commercially. We don’t have one composed yet, but if the Producer can have her way, that will become a reality in 2026 or sooner if the people she’s contacted respond to her emails. One of the composers the Producer contacted was Jonathan Morali, the French composer of Life Is Strange 1 soundtrack. The theme song of Max & Chloé was epic and very emotional. His song of those two girls made you feel things you didn’t want to feel, feel things you didn’t know you could feel and needed to feel. The Producer wanted that same effect, but better for Snapshot. She reached out to him four months ago and checking in with him periodically, but we have yet to hear back from him. If we cannot get Jonathan then we're going to ask Ambient Feelings (Daniel Spoiala), who is a Romanian composer and known mostly for Sad Emotional Piano to do us the honor of creating a original score for Snapshot.


One of our strongest weapons that was used when Christianizing Life Is Strange was the loopholes and the supernatural in general. Book scripture was applied for platonic soulmates and “super powers”. The Book Of Ḥănōḵ/Enoch, the Book Of Rəʾūven/Ruben, Book Of Yehuda/Judah, Book Of Shofetim/Judges, the epistle of Κορινθίους 2/Corinthians 2 endorses and supports supernatural power from Elohim, whether it be of Themselves or Their power given unto mortals. Elohim is outside of time and the creator of time. Pausing, freezing and fast forwarding time is mentioned in Ḥănōḵ, so it’s not like there wasn’t scripture for time power, but realistically, there is no doctrine scripture that would support mortals wielding time power and breaking the fabric of time and creating alternate realities like Max did in Life Is Strange. For this reason and to avoid spiritual confusion on this topic, the Producer did not allow our Maxine to have time power. Besides, alternate realties and parallel universes are not Book endorsed.

Ḥănōḵ and Priest Levi mention the other realms Elohim has made that is not ours, but they clearly do not say those realms are “parallel universes” or “alternate worlds”. This is a misconception of humans if they have read their books and think that is the case. This is the second reason we didn’t touch on time power, because with time power, come splitting of realities or dimensions and with that, comes the theory of parallel universes or alternate realities.

Our Maxine was given one of the 7 Powers, the Power Of Sight. Rəʾūven outlines these powers in his book and clearly explains that all humans of the past, present and in the future are born with these powers and for each power there is a demon that specializes in the opposite to corrupt these powers. They’re basically our senses. Κορινθίους 2 13-14 discusses the Gift Of The Spirit and says people are given different gifts, but all of them come from the same Spirit, which is Ruwah. Paul encouraged Christians to seek prophecy. He said it is greater than speaking in divine tongues and out of all the gifts, Christians should desire and pursue the gift of prophecy (Κορινθίους 1 14: 1). This kind of prophecy is not to be confused with divine Book prophecy that foretold of the coming of Yeshua Christ up until the Book Of Revelation. The spiritual gift of prophecy Paul is referring to is to teach, to speak the truth of scripture or to dream dreams and see visions as Yoel /Joel 2: 28 and Práxeis Apostólōn/ Acts Of The Apostles 2: 17 referenced.

In the Book Of Hermes, Hermes slightly touched on supernatural power, dreams and visions, but he his book didn’t focus on these abilities as much as the ones we’ve previously mentioned. Our foundation to mention supernatural power was covered. Next, the trio. Maxine "Max" Caulfield, Chloe Price and Rachel Amber were the trio of the first game. We have trio too. Maxine "Maxie" Sarsfield, Dejah Chamott, Amber Fierce. These girls were given stories that rival Max, Chloe and Rachel's in a friendly, competitive way. For example, Dejah and Amber will not be killed off and Maxine, as well as other characters who have powers, will keep them forever and must learn how to utilize their gifts in everyday life.

Max’s power came and went, activated when it wanted or was triggered by traumatic events. Chloe didn’t have a power, but she was noted for the “Butterfly Effect” and Rachel could screech loudly and if she was near something, like fire or a explosive, she could cause them to implode or a flame to burn brighter. Alex could sense emotions, positive and negative, take them into herself and expel the opposite to someone else. Daniel could move things with his mind and created a whirlwind of chaos upon seeing his father killed and Chris assumed he had power, but we couldn’t really determine if he did or not, as there was a scene following the power that showed it wasn’t supernatural at all. Personally, we think their devs left it up to interpretation when it came to Chris's power. As you can see, the Life Is Strange characters all have these supernatural powers, some can be controlled instantly, others must wait for it to happen or have a event take place. We didn’t want this to be our problem, so our characters will openly use the 7 Powers and the Gifts Of The Spirit.

This ranges from healing, prophecy, teaching, speak in divine tongues, interruption of divine tongues, raising the dead, etc. All of which are still active today, contrary to what many Western Christians think or want to believe concerning the Gifts Of The Spirit. No scripture has indicated or given a law that the 7 Powers or the Gifts Of The Spirit are dead and no longer needed. It is a matter of asking Elohim for them or being told by Elohim you have them and to use them wisely and for their glory. Some of our characters must ask for Gifts Of The Spirit, someone tap into the 7 Powers they’re automatically born with and some of them are told they have them and what it means to have them. This removes the confusion of why a character has a power and what they should do with it. So basically, they know they got it or someone else knows about it and informs a character that had no clue what was happening to them or why they could do certain things.

In Life In Strange, the characters don’t know where their powers come from and struggle to figure out why they have them, what to do with them and wonder if their power will even last. In Snapshot, our characters will learn they have a power in different seasons and will utilize it for better or for worse. We avoided having time gaps and time pass for our characters. What do we mean by this? In Life Is Strange, depending on the choices you select in each games, the main and side characters will meet each other years later, hear about another main character in passing or see pictures of someone else they will never meet, but you (as the gamer) met in a previous game.

Rather then make our readers wait for new eBooks to drop and permitting time to pass for our characters in their story arcs or drop another series with a character that will link to a series readers are currently reading or previously read, we’re going to allow our characters to grow up around each other or meet up later on and stay involved in each other’s lives as time passes in their story arcs. This could be a direct or indirect connection between characters and honestly, this approach is beneficial for the characters because they will grow together rather than grow apar.

Platonic Romance Between Same-Sex Soulmates

We also demonstrated platonic affection and romance between same-sex characters. Intimacy, romance are lumped in with sexual activity and sexuality and that’s not realistic or true for Elohim. Elohim made both. We repeat, Elohim created sexual driven opposite sex soulmates and They created non-sexual driven same-sex and in some cases, opposite sex soulmates. Soulmate is a bet friend, someone you’re connecting with emotionally, mentally and spiritually, but not sexually. Displaying emotion or affection isn’t upsetting to Elohim at all. Jonathan and David were soulmates that had their nephesh knit together by Elohim (Shmuel Alef/1 Samuel 18: 1), Yeshua and John were openly affectionate and in one scene, John randomly got up from the table to go over and lay his head on Yeshua’s chest just to chill out there (John 13: 23) and was the “beloved disciple Christ loved”. In the Gospel Of Mary, Mary met a girl around her age and they were exceedingly close and displayed ahavah affection towards each other.

It’s not a avon (wickedness/iniquity) to be in ahavah (pure divine affection and love) with a man or woman platonically nor is it a avon to be in ahavah with a person sexually. However, it’s important to note that in Their design, in Their kingdom it was ordained to be (1) biological man and (1) biological woman who are to come together in holy matrimony. Lucifer does the opposite and installs what Leviticus 17-18 and basically the entire epistle of Romans warns against and forbids. Lucifer’s “love” is seen throughout the Life Is Strange franchise. Despite that you can choose to make the main character wind up with a boy or girl, it doesn’t matter because it seemed like to our team getting laid by the best friend or a friend is the goal and we reasoned if marriage was a option in Life Is Strange, many players would same-sex characters marry each other which is where the transgression (crossing a line or crossing a line knowing the truth of the Lord) lies.

In our modern world this is acceptable, in Elohim kingdom, it is not, so our team had to counter the secular themes and the romances without coming off as insulting the original creators. Our concept is ours and their ideas are their own. We don’t purify things to show of to say we’re better than someone else, we do this for our audience (saved or unsaved) who are curious to see what a Christian version of something secular is like. To people who are not saved or respect Elohim, Snapshot could be offensive to anyone--literally anyone, when in reality, we're not attacking people. We’re just exposing Lucifer's tactic for what it is and making sure to back our statements and actions with truth.

Honestly, exposing the paganism and demons in Snapshot was easier than other projects we’ve done, but ethe Forgers agree that that Snapshot has been the most sensitive and challenged project we’ve had to work with so far.

A White man wearing a teal jacket, red baseball hat, in a bar.
Maxine at Cover Paris, in studio room, posing for photo.


Copyright © 2024 Zion Studio

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