🎂 Today marks the 7th anniversary of Anointed Works!
Wow. We really did it. Has it really been seven years? No matter how many birthdays we celebrate, our 7th birthday is the most important and personal to us. Why is that? Because seven is powerful and a sacred number in the Book. It symbolizes perfection, completion and spiritual completeness. We can say without doubt, conviction or hesitation that our company has achieved these milestones (excluding perfection, for we are no longer in perfection, but must strive for perfection.) in Elohim's eyes. Everyone who remained and everyone who is still working so hard to build a respectful, notable reputation for our company, worked hard to get to this point. Some of us had internal battles, some had external battles and others faced both at the same time in different years of the company's establishment.
The biggest enlightenment we learned last year was this: Success is learned in failure, acknowledgment is based on integrity, not popularity.
What do we mean by this? Once you are at the top and completed everything, there’s nothing left to do. There’s nothing left to learn or any mistakes to revisit that revealed where you need to improve and grow. For seven years, we have stumbled and applied various methods for the company for all our departments. Our policies are good, well written, but some of them needed more transparency and we needed to re-define how we do things here and what we expect of remote employees that are paid or not paid. In the first year, things were hard and unknown to us all. Not everyone in the company went to college and studied business like President Wilson had and not everyone understood the complexities of the Internal Revenue Service (IRS), KSTOS (Kentucky Secretary Of State), DOR (Department Of Revenue) or the differences between a 501(c)3 Non-Profit Organization and a For-Profit Corporation.
In case you aren’t familiar with the differences between these two types of entities, a FPC is a business that aims to generate a profit for its owners, employees and leaders. A NPO is a federal establishment in the United States according to IRS 26 U.S.C. § 501(c) and such organizations are exempt from some federal income taxes. Sections 503 through 505 sets the requirements for obtaining such exemptions. Many states refer to Section 501(c) for definitions of organizations exempt from state taxation as well. 501(c) organizations can receive unlimited contributions from individuals, corporations and unions.
What’s Happened So Far
When we first started out in 2018, we registered accidently as a For-Profit Corporation. Ironically we should have remained that way because we learned years later we had to switch from the Non-Profit back to For-Profit. So, what exactly happened? Originally President Wilson wanted to be registered as a Non-Profit because she truly and sincerely wanted give free content and free benefits to the consumer and our targeted audience she was called to serve. At no point did she want to charge people to read our works, but she didn’t realize the error she had selected on paper when she registered with the KSOS and the IRS was illegal and could result in us being dissolved and going to jail. Scary, but the Lord was protecting us for years and keeping that fate far away from our doorstep.
From 2018-2023, no one in the government agencies who understood these matters explained the differences or consequences of operating as a Non-Profit without the seal from the IRS and the tax exemption seal, but that’s okay because later on she found a good CPA and was properly informed. He made the proper changes to switch in 2023 from Non-Profit to For-Profit Corporation. It's also good to note that we were housing Unaligned Academy, which was supposed to be our online ministry within this company. We had the online school, the syllabus and classroom criteria made opened the doors after three years of building and were excited to have a online non-accredited school--but then that didn't work out as planned. President Wilson was called to preach, teach and minister in 2013 and in 2021, the year we built the school on our website, was officially moved to its own website and we became the proud corporate parent of Unaligned Church LLC.
During the years 2019-2020, President Wilson and the CEO Board were still trying to find a creative way to show people who we were, our mission as a Christian company an recruit faithful employees. People came and left on and off for various reasons, but in them doing this forced President Wilson to recess herself, the company policies just to make sure things weren’t off with herself or the purpose of her company. We, Anointed Works, exist to fight the secular demonic indoctrination in children and adult entertainment that to temps and encourages people to sin and break Elohim’s laws. To counter Hell’s false teachings effectively, Zion Studio, our art department, creates eBooks (novels and short stories) and uses Christian anime illustrations and AI digital artwork for the projects to draw in our readers.
That sounds smooth now, but during the year of 2019 and 2023 our message was not being received by the pubic easily. Like any craft, we practiced over and over. President Wilson who operates our social media wound up taking everything down and making new posts and applying better organized content that circled around our narrative and decided certain platforms would showcase certain themes of the company. With the aid and support of the CEO Board, President Wilson revised sales pitches, marketing strategies and as our Webmaster, President Wilson re-vamped the website seven times (there’s that number again!) before she finally figured out what she wanted and how to creatively inform and show the public our passion.
Project 2025: Play Before Work
Yes, you read that headline correctly. Anointed Works has a Project 2025 in store for ourselves and any newcomers to the company. It's our ultimate reward to ourselves for working so hard. Now, a before we go on, we want to clarify something due to recent tension in the world of politics. If you’re associated to a political party (Democrat Party, Republican Party, Independent Party, Constitution Party, Green Party, Libertarians and other Third Parties.) reading that headline this may come off as a insult or give you anxiety, but we assure you this is not the Project 2025 that was created to put the citizens (of either political party) against each other and President Trump. There is confirmation from the Biden-Harris Administration as well as the Trump Administration that Project 2025 was a hoax designed by a radical Democrat and President Trump had nothing to do with it. We didn’t state that to be political, we needed to verify that our Project 2025 is not associated to the hoax, a political party or a political agenda. Or Project 2025 is about focusing on specific external goals that will be met at the end of 2025. The goals we are happily looking forward to completing are:
Hire a freelancer.
Attend a BBB event.
Update our policies.
Update employee contracts.
Find a means to build revenue.
Enhance our social media platforms.
Purchase business cards + card holders.
Purchase a company number and iPhone 16.
Purchase company shirts, zip up jackets, hats.
Purchase equipment and décor for Studio office at HQ.
Have CEO officers watch marketing videos and attend webinars.
Pray Elohim moves the examination lawyer to approve our trademark.
Every time we complete one of these goals, they will be cross out in this post and dated the day they were completed. Project 2025 is going to be amazing! It’s our year to grow, expand, learn and receive the blessings Elohim has in store for us and it’s a time bless each other. We’ve come a long way since our first year and since we’ve gotten to where we need to be, we relax, ease the reigns and enjoy the process rather than create one. Below is video of President Wilson expanding more on Project 2025 and revealing a few more surprises we have planned out for the VIP Club, our church company and Zion Studio!
Copyright © 2025 Anointed Works