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  • Support | Anointed Works

    Hey there, how can we help? Frequently Asked Questions AW Community We're not popular enough or have enough people in our community for this to be of any use. When we become more known and people join our community, this will be a good outlet to consider for basic questions. In the future we are confident our web community will help you find solutions to your questions. Social Media Scroll down to the bottom of the page and see what social media links are available and follow us today. We would love it if you and your friends followed us. ​ Instagram LinkedIn X Contact Us AW Support agents are here every day to answer your questions during the week from 9AM--4PM EST. Visitors and members can use the live chat to send us a message, an email or DM us on X to open a support case. Report ​ If you need to report someone for violating our Community Guidelines, a policy for AW or UA, please send the Help Desk with the following information: ​ Screenshot of the member breaking the rule(s). Screen recording of the page where the offense started, such as a blog comment, forum comment , blog post, forum post, etc. If posts have a time stamp, be sure to screenshot the time stamp or record the time stamps in your video. ​ Upload your files as an attachment in an email and send your evidence to . ​ ​ Online Chat Availability ​ Our supp ort hours are from 9AM-4PM EST Monday-Friday with the fastest response times between 11AM-1PM. The easiest and most effective way to get help is to chat with us by clicking the chat bubble at the bottom right corner of your screen. The average response time through chat is between 10-20 minutes. If we do not get to you right away just leave the window open and you'll hear a small noise from your browser when we reply. If you're on mobile just check back on your phone. If you contact AW Support Team during the weekend here on the website they will reply at the start of the week in and only during business hours. We have other platforms you can reach AW Support on. Please select the live chat service that best suits your needs.

  • Zion Studio | Anointed Works

    Upcoming Projects Bard Tales: Make A Joyful Noise The bards will appear throughout our projects and projects of our affiliates. Can you find them all? Will you listen to their epic songs and be moved by their honeyed words? After they complete their training we will release the bards one by one. They will and meet you in your reading journey when special editions of novels are completed. Until that time comes, the bards will train their vocal cords, sharpen their conversion skills of secular lyrics and master their unique instruments at the Bard's College. When the college is ready for visitors, you may go inside, but you must have a ticket to gain entry. Need a ticket? You can purchase one here . Visit Bard's College (Closed) About Us Projects Coming Soon Latest Releases | All Projects Novels | Visual Novels | Creative Development About Zion Studio We are a small team of dedicated workers who work at Zion Studio, the art department for Anointed Works (AW). We are responsible for bringing the producer’s ideas and stories to life. Zion Studio was formally known as “The Forge”. This name had a unique meaning and purpose with our producer, Rachel Renee Wilson. Yahweh refines his followers with fire just like a weapon is forged with fire. The Forge was a place where the producer came together with the team and directors for her personal projects. No one else could help her, team up or make suggestions, as the projects the producer had in the works, were already finished and merely needed refining. After a few years past, the producer renamed The Forge to Zion Studio and decided to work with our affiliates and to create content for AW too, not just for herself. With the help of AI, we can create digital illustrations. About ZS Studio Team The People Of ZS Rachel Wilson Producer Whitney Taylor Dev Lacy Webb Dev Olivia Stacy Intern Project Inspirations Play Video Play Video 01:31 TVアニメ『暁のヨナ』第2クール オープニングテーマ 「暁の華」 TVアニメ『暁のヨナ』第2クール オープニングテーマ 曲名:「暁の華」 アーティスト:Cyntia 作詞: SAKI 作曲: AZU 編曲: SATORI SHIRAISHI & Cyntia 白泉社「花とゆめ」で連載中、コミックス累計250万部突破の人気作品『暁のヨナ』テレビアニメ化!10月7日より放送中!! TVアニメ『暁のヨナ』公式サイト: TVアニメ『暁のヨナ』オフィシャルTwitterアカウント: <放送情報> TOKYO MX (毎週火曜) 24:30~ サンテレビ (毎週火曜) 24:40~ テレビ愛知 (毎週火曜) 25:35~ RKK熊本放送(毎週火曜) 26:13~ BS11 (毎週火曜) 27:00~ AT-X (毎週火曜) 23:00~ (毎週木曜) 11:00~ (毎週土曜) 29:00~ (毎週月曜) 17:00~ <スタッフ> 監督:米田和弘 シリーズ構成:猪爪慎一 キャラクターデザイン:吉川真帆 音楽:梁 邦彦 音響監督:長崎行男 アニメーション制作:studioぴえろ <キャスト> ヨナ:斎藤千和 ハク:前野智昭 スウォン:小林裕介 キジャ(白龍):森田成一 シンア(青龍):岡本信彦 ジェハ(緑龍):諏訪部順一 ゼノ(黄龍):下野 紘 ユン:皆川純子 アオ(プッキュー):山本希望 ほか <あらすじ> 高華国の姫・ヨナは、優しい父王に大切に育てられ、従兄のスウォンに想いを寄せる平穏な日々を送っていた。 だがヨナの16歳の誕生日深夜、宮廷内で事件が起こる。 父イル王がスウォンによって殺害されたのだ。城を追われたヨナと護衛のハクは、神官イクスのお告げに従い伝説の四龍を探す旅に出る。 そして数々の困難を乗り越え四龍を集結させたヨナは、武器をとり、彼らと共に国を守ることを決意するのだった… 王女ヨナの冒険と仲間たちとの絆、成長を描く大河ロマン! (C)草凪みずほ・白泉社/暁のヨナ製作委員会 Play Video Play Video 01:36 Daily Life Of The Immortal King Opening 仙王的日常生活 Play Video Play Video 03:45 韦伯恩 - 仙 仙王的日常生活 Xian Wang de Richang Shenghuo The Daily Life of the Immortal King 韦伯恩,杨秉音 Play Video Play Video 01:30 Boku Dake Ga Inai Machi Opening ERASED OP1 "Re:Re:" by Asian Kung-Fu Generation Play Video Play Video 04:53 DAOKO × 米津玄師『打上花火』MUSIC VIDEO DAOKO × 米津玄師『打上花火』MUSIC VIDEO ────── ▶NEW Single:Daoko「天使がいたよ 」> ▶NEXT Daoko LIVE > ────── DAOKO × 米津玄師『打上花火』配信中! ▽iTunes DAOKO × 米津玄師『打上花火』アニメーションMUSIC VIDEO 映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?』主題歌 DAOKO 3rdシングル「打上花火」 2017年8月16日(水)発売 初回限定盤[CD+DVD]TFCC-89631 ¥1,620(税込) イラスト描き下ろしジャケット DAOKO 2016 ”青色主義” TOUR at 赤坂BLITZ 2016.09.22 ライブ映像収録 通常盤[CD]TFCC-89632 ¥1,296(税込) <収録曲> 映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?』主題歌 01. 打上花火/DAOKO × 米津玄師 作詞・作曲:米津玄師 Produced by 米津玄師 映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?』挿入歌 02. Forever Friends/DAOKO 作詞・作曲:REMEDIOS ※通常盤のみの収録 『神撃のバハムートVIRGIN SOUL』エンディングテーマ 3. Cinderella step/DAOKO 作詞・作曲 DAOKO 編曲 江島啓一(サカナクション) <映画『打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?』情報> 声の出演:広瀬すず 菅田将暉 宮野真守 / 浅沼晋太郎 豊永利行 梶裕貴 三木眞一郎 花澤香菜 櫻井孝宏 根谷美智子 飛田展男 宮本充 立木文彦 / 松たか子 原作: 岩井俊二 脚本 :大根仁 総監督 :新房昭之 企画・プロデュース:川村元気 監督:武内宣之 キャラクターデザイン:渡辺明夫 音楽:神前暁 アニメーション制作: シャフト ©2017「打ち上げ花火、下から見るか?横から見るか?」製作委員会 公開日:2017年8月18日(金) 公式HP: ◯ Daoko(ダヲコ)プロフィール Daoko(ダヲコ)1997 年⽣まれ、東京都出⾝。 15 歳の時にニコニコ動画へ投稿した楽曲で注⽬をあつめ、2015 年『DAOKO』でメジャーデビュー。 その後も⽶津⽞師との「打上花⽕」、岡村靖幸との「ステップアップLOVE」など、実⼒派アーティストとの共作を⾏いつつ、ソロでの活動も続ける。 ⼩説の執筆、絵画個展の開催、女優業など多様なクリエイティヴ表現を続け、国内外で注⽬を集めている。 2019 年に個⼈事務所“てふてふ”を設⽴し、2020年には4th アルバム『anima』を発表。 2023年6月に2部作連続で公開予定の劇場版「美少女戦士セーラームーンCosmos」の主題歌を担当。書き下ろし楽曲「月の花」が5月26日(金)に先行配信決定! 現在は自主レーベル“てふてふ”にて活動中! ◯Official HP ◯Official Blog ◯Official Twitter DAOKO ( ) DAOKO staff ( ) ◯Official Instagram ◯Official Fun Club”ひだまり” Play Video Play Video 01:29 Murder Princess Opening -HD- Murder Princess Opening.. I DONT NOW ANY OF THIS! Play Video Play Video 01:31 ef - a tale of memories (Creditless OP ver.1) Blue-ray 1080p Play Video Play Video 01:36 Assassination Classroom Season 2 - Opening | QUESTION Artist: 3-nen E-gumi Utatan Song: QUESTION Watch Assassination Classroom on Crunchyroll! Crunchyroll Dubs brings you the latest clips, full episodes, and more from your favorite anime - all dubbed in English! FREE 14-DAY CRUNCHYROLL TRIAL 🌟 #AssassinationClassroom #3nenEgumiUtatan #QUESTION Play Video Play Video 00:58 《爱上她的理由》OP《Caramel》公开! 【欢迎订阅】哔哩哔哩动画频道 一起追番~ 【会员福利】加入哔哩哔哩动画频道VIP俱乐部: 即可观看“会员专享”全内容和抢先看最新集! ---小电视强推--- 2023 Made By Bilibili 4月国创导视: 简介:#爱上她的理由 大一新生袁君瑭为了接近暗恋已久的学姐朱茱报考了闵松大学。入学后,在学校里意外认识休学的前偶像兼学姐李诗娅,在校园内与学姐朱茱再会,又在联谊晚会上相识到学姐崔若霓。随后袁君瑭陷入与三个女生的感情漩涡之中,彷徨纠结… --- #MadeByBilibili --- 哔哩哔哩动画: 哔哩哔哩精选: bilibili台湾站: Play Video Play Video 03:19 爱上她的理由 李诗雅角色曲(男生版)「动态歌词」《Green Light - Zac Poor》#爱上她的理由#ZacPoor#GreenLight#国漫 #动态歌词#Yuki酱ゆうき Play Video Play Video 03:12 Takt Op Destiny [ AMV ] Hero - Cash cash One day, a black meteorite fell on the world, and the world completely changed. The meteorite produced grotesque monsters called D2, which started running rampant. D2 very quickly banned all music, which was the one thing able to overcome them. But there were some people who resisted the D2. They are young women who hold the power of music, the "Musicart." These young women hold "scores" that are able to defeat the monsters. And there are also people who lead these women, the Conductor. The anime takes place in America in the year 2047, which has fallen to ruin thanks to the D2. Takt, a Conductor, is partnered with a Musicart named Unmei. Takt yeans for music to be returned to the world, and Unmei wishes to destroy the D2. Their aim is to travel to New York. I hope you like it and if you like it don't forget to subscribe and leave a message on the comment section Song ~ Hero - Cash Cash Link: Thumbnail:Tack Op Destiny Anime: Takt Op. Destiny Editing app ~ VivaCut & Capcut (PHONE) DISCLAIMER: "All the videos, songs, images, and graphics used in the video belong to their respective owners and I or this channel does not claim any right over them." Copyright Disclaimer under section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for “fair use” for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, education and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. NOTE: If you have an issue with me posting this song,picture or videos please contact me in this email. #Anime #TaktOpDestiny #HERO #MarkuzIgnacioSensei #AMV #MUSIC #Edit #TaktOpDestinyAmv #CosetteAMV Play Video Play Video 01:46 Takt Op. Destiny - Opening | 4K | 60FPS | Creditless | Anime: Takt Op. Destiny Song: takt Artist: ryo (supercell) ft. Mafumafu, gaku ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ Discord: Support me: Endcard-Wallpaper: Youtube-Banner by Jaze (Discord-Tag: Jaze™# 0703) ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ ※ Disclaimer • Companies that claim rights to my videos are entitled to the monetisations and will earn a profit from my videos if they decide to monetize them. This is not my decision. • Personal monetisations are disabled and will remain so forever. I do not make and have no plans on making a profit from this, but I do accept donations in form of coffees or tea! • If you want the video removed, I'd appreciate if you request the video to be globally blocked or muted, since it's hassle to deal with copyright strikes. Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use" for purposes such as criticism, comment, news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ #TaktOpDestiny #takt #ryo Play Video Play Video 02:58 Titan Rage Mode vs Hell & Heaven「AMV」Takt Op. Destiny - Don't Surrender ᴴᴰ ✦✦✦✦✦ 🅢🅤🅑🅢🅒🅡🅘🅑🅔 ✦✦✦✦✦ ✦✦✦✦✦ 🅢🅗🅐🅡🅔 ✦✦✦✦✦ ✦✦✦✦✦ 🅛🅘🅚🅔 ✦✦✦✦✦ ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Bringing high quality content, the channel “KING AMV's 夢” is proud to be able to add value to the anime community in general. Bringing varied and diverse content for a better experience for your audience. The edited videos have different scenes from various free commercial animations, thanks to the animation developers who provided us with their incredible creations! it is a great happiness to add value to this AMV, editing it with several scenes of different animations to create something totally new. ✦✦✦✦✦ 🅘🅝🅕🅞 ✦✦✦✦✦ ► Alternative Title: Takt op.「AMV」- Don't Surrender ᴴᴰ ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Anime: Takt Op. Destiny / Takt op.(タクトオーパス) ► Link: ► Music: Egzod & EMM - Don't Surrender ► Link: ► Genres: Action, Fantasy ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Synopsis: Lenny remembers her past. Lenny recalls the image of an irreplaceable person. Everything was piled up today to do what we should do. Lenny heads to the meeting place with the giant and tries to tell Tact and his destiny all the truth. However, an unexpected person was waiting there. ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Bands and Artists: ( Egzod ) SoundCloud: Facebook: Instagram: ► Bands and Artists: ( EMM ) SoundCloud: Facebook: Instagram: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Content Information: ( Takt Op. Destiny ) Type: TV Episodes: Unknown Status: Not yet aired Aired: Oct 6, 2021 to ? Premiered: Fall 2021 Broadcast: Wednesdays at 00:00 (JST) Producers: DeNA, Bandai Namco Arts Licensors: None found, add some Studios: Madhouse, MAPPA Source: Original Theme: Music Duration: Unknown Rating: None ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Discord Group: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Watch in HD 1080p/60FPS ► Like, Comment and Subscribe! ► Made by: KING AMV's 夢 ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Follow Me on: Instagram: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► DISCLAIMER Copyright Disclaimer Under Section 107 of the Copyright Act 1976, allowance is made for "fair use"for purposes such as news reporting, teaching, scholarship, and research. Fair use is a use permitted by copyright statute that might otherwise be infringing. Non-profit, educational or personal use tips the balance in favor of fair use. ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► Support the official anime channels: Crunchyroll: Funimation: Aniplex USA: Netflix: Bilibili: MAPPA CHANNEL: KADOKAWA: TOHO animation: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► For business inquiries and proposal: ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► All rights reserved to: Producers: DeNA, Bandai Namco Arts Licensors: None found Studios: Madhouse, MAPPA ✦---------------------------------------------------------------------------------✦ ► 0:00-2:41 - Takt Op. ► 2:42-2:57 - END ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ 🅔🅝🅓 ✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦✦ #AMV #ANIME #MUSIC #VIDEO #TAKTOPDESTINY #EGZOD #EMM #DONTSURRENDER Play Video Play Video 04:25 The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion - Opening Full 「SURVIVE」by MindaRyn The Reason Why Raeliana Ended up at the Duke's Mansion OP/Opening Song - SURVIVE by MindaRyn Kanojo ga Koushaku-tei ni Itta Riyuu Opening Song "SURVIVE" - MindaRyn #jpop #animesong #animemusic Play Video Play Video 04:36 MindaRyn - "Fireworks" ("Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion" EP6 ED) | Lyric Video 2024.2.4(sun) MindaRyn Acoustic Solo Live "My place" チケット一般発売中! ---------------------------------------------------------------------- "Fireworks" Music Video (Episode 6 Ending Theme Song of "Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion") DL & Streming CD order ----- MindaRyn 6th Single "SURVIVE" Release Date:Wednesday, 5/24/2023 Price:¥1,300 + tax Part Number:LACM-24384 01. SURVIVE (Opening Theme Song of "Why Raeliana Ended Up at the Duke’s Mansion") Written and Composed by SACHIKO Arranged by 小山 寿 02. Fireworks Written and Composed and Arranged by Ryu (Ryu Matsuyama) 03. The Reason of Kindness (English Version) Written by こだまさおり Composed by 宮崎 誠 Translated by MindaRyn, Joelle Arranged by None (SINCLAD | One Eye Closed) ----- Fireworks Written, Composed and Arranged by Ryu (Ryu Matsuyama) Please let me go Before it’s too late Don’t let me fall In the deep of your chest Still we don’t know What’s hiding inside us Please let me go Before I fall in love Letters Secrets Between you and me Like feathers Feathers? How it would be If nothing ties our will When I look in to your eyes I see the grey I see the lies That covers your smile When you look in to my eyes Do you feel the same Do you see the lies That covers my pain Your hand My hand I feel you closer Slowly touching Please let me go Before it’s too late Don’t let me fall In the deep of your chest Still we don’t know What’s hiding inside us Please let me go Before I fall in love I don’t know what I’m saying It can’t be stopped This heart is racing so fast Please let me fall Yes please let me fall And let me go Before I fall in love ----- "Fireworks" Lyric Video staff Director : 山本翔一 ----- [Official Website] [YouTube] [Twitter] [Staff Twitter] [Facebook] [Instagram] [TikTok] #彼女が公爵邸に行った理由 #公爵邸 Play Video Play Video 01:30 Cowboy Bebop - Opening | Tank! Artist: Seatbelts Song: Tank! Watch Cowboy Bebop on Crunchyroll! Crunchyroll Dubs brings you the latest clips, full episodes, and more from your favorite anime - all dubbed in English! FREE 14-DAY CRUNCHYROLL TRIAL 🌟 #CowboyBebop #Seatbelts #Tank Load More

  • Projects | Anointed Works

    Portfolio Our Purified Works Bio is being written. Check back later. Return To Zion Studio Book Tales Age Rating: Teen | M​ature Audience: 15+, 18+ ​ Description: Bio is being drafted. Bard Tales: Make A Joyful Noise Age Rating: Everyone | Everyone 10+ Audience: E, E+ ​ Description: Bard Tales: Make A Joyful Noise is a collection of sagas that feature renown bards that make cameo appearances in our projects and our affiliates projects. Readers can look for the bards in novels and lores, but will merely see them referenced and briefly talked about every now and then. In Bard Tales: Make A Joyful Noise the reader will actually meet the bards, will unlock their quest lines, be able to choose routes for the bards that will result in different endings for every bard. The other projects we have made up until this point does not offer a choice/preference system, but this project does (within reason) and is designed to make the reader's experience fun, interactive, personal and immersive. The bards are taught how to cleanse lyrics and purify at the Bard's College. The bards do this so they can sing the beats of the pagan songs and enjoy them without the demonic and sexual themes that offended the Trigonous. We encourage readers to figure out what songs the bards have Christianized so they can find the secular counter parts and play the music and sing along with the bards. Bard Tales: House Of Ballads Age Rating: Everyone 10+, Teen, Mature Audience: 10+, 15+, 18+ ​ Description: Bard Tales: House Of Ballads is strictly a fictional collection of songs and poems that capture the bards' pasts, former lifestyles of vice (sin) and struggles with various types of addictions, such as abuse of drugs, abuse of alcohol and herbs of the field. Ballads also touch on sensitive topics, such as suicide, graphic descriptions of pain or death political views and LGBTQ+ themes. Legal Disclaimer: Because of how the bards are expressing their rawness and emotions in their ballads and do not hold back when it comes to what he/she went through when they in their vice, RDA (Reader Discretion Advised) is needed for some ballads the reader will encounter. Please keep in mind the bards have found Avril Tryst (Yeshua Christ) and have been redeemed of what they once supported or struggled with. Do not imitate the bards bad choices when it comes to suicide, murder, theft, lying, harlotry or abuse of substances. Their ballads exist to teach readers right from wrong and are not meant to glorify vice or bad choices that have legal or serious health consequences. ​ Readers need to keep in mind that the ballads are also the bards’ personal testimonies. Meaning, the bards were once in dark places and currently are no longer in those dark places and are new creations in Tryst. Anointed Works and Zion Studio workers are not liable for readers who choose to partake in bad choices prior to reading Bard Tales: House Of Ballads nor do we permit readers who already struggle with addictions to read this anthology if he/she is going to be tempted to make bad choices or further it. Readers are not allowed to use this project, which is designed to be a teaching tool to divert people from evil as their shield/scapegoat to justify their bad habits or criminal lifestyles in general. It is the reader's responsibility to know if he/she is sane, legally allowed and permitted to engage with this project. ​ If reader is not legally allowed to be exposed to Christian doctrine or theology due the mandates of the county that they reside in, then that person cannot read the anthology until they are of age. If reader is allowed, but is a minor then they must obtain permission from parent(s) or legal guardian(s) to read the anthology. Readers further understands that if they are mentally unstable or in a bad place in their personal life for any reason, have trauma or can be easily trigged by the sensitive topics the bards write about, they are not allowed to engage with this project until they are mentally stable and not going to be tempted or triggered by the content they read. Milieu Age Rating: Teen | M​ature Audience: 15+, 18+ ​ Description: Milieu takes place in the Parru Solar System on the following 10 planets: Nexus, Jusook, Terah, Cenik, Rotlax, Kusoy, Boinov, Pexadros, Tryke, Shorix. Readers will meet main, supporting characters in this series, but some of them live in solar systems outside of Parru. The reader will have to note the timelines and their dates, per novel and lore to properly connect later scenes for other segments and to understand the motives behind good and evil characters. The reader will be exposed to prejudice , racism, LGBTQ+ themes, platonic romances, politics, violence, gore, witchcraft, spiritual warfare and action packed environments. The reader will unlock special events, meet exclusive characters and learn hidden information that connects them to the bigger parts of the main story line for the novel if they read all the lores. Milieu will be released in 4 book with a total of 25 lores. Milieu is the Christianized version of Steven Universe , a production that promotes sexual immortality, demons, teaching of demons, marriage of the same gender, marriage of angels/celestial beings, etc. Milieu focuses on the importance of why people must honor Yahweh, keep His commandments in their lives and not follow their own belief system, human made traditions, people's personal views over the Book and why they cannot marry the same gender or have surgeries to change their biological genders. Milieu primary theme is pure ahavah (Godly love) in relationships. The reader will slowly, but surely see the defined differences between love coming from the Trigonus and the carnal "love" coming from desire within the characters. Trying Not To Chase Aria Age Rating: Teen | M​ature Audience: 15+, 18+ ​ Description: Trying Not To Chase Aria takes place in the Goreos Solar System on planet Belrion. Readers will meet minor important characters in this series and be exposed to racism, bullying, suicidal themes, politics, child abuse, drugs, alcohol, sex, semi action-packed environments and high school campus life. The reader will bond with the main cast of characters and learn about their lives and disturbing information that connects them to the bigger parts of the main storyline for each novel. If readers read all the lores, they will learn darker secrets about some characters in the main storyline that will make them question the plot and possibly, the purpose of some characters. Trying Not To Chase Aria will be released in 4 books with a total of 4 lores. Tryning Not To Chase Aria is the Christianized version of two animes. Fruit Baskets and Assassination Classroom. Similar to how Tohru Honda formed special bonds with the men and women of the Sohma family, Aria King will do this for her classmates at Ocram High. Ratchet Highschool was not endorsing of lifestyles and beliefs that went against the Trigonous. Ocram High is the opposite of that. The faculty and students support those lifestyles and beliefs and Aria is the only Trigonous follower there, so the reader gets to observe how she earns the staff and students respect over the years. Everyone tries to their best to not chase her and resists her because she’s the problem. She honors holiness and the Trigonous and that right there, is a huge no for many characters, but as everyone gets to know her and her struggles, little by little they fall in love with her and can't imagine life without her. Sideny University Age Rating: Mature​ Audience: 18+ ​ Description: Sidney University takes place in the Goreos Solar System on planet Belrion. Readers will meet major important characters in this series and be exposed to superheroes, villains, semi-action packed environments and college campus life. The reader will unlock special events, meet exclusive characters and learn hidden information that connects them to the bigger parts of the main story line for the novel if they read all the lores. Sidney University will be released in 4 books with a total of 10 lore s. Sidney University , is the Christianized version of Walt Disney princess's and princes. Sidney University is a place where blessings come true. That is the slogan the administration swears by. Every student has a secret and conceals their true colors. It's so much easier to hide behind a mask and lead others on to think everything is perfect. Belle Rose is far from perfect and she knows the horrors of what it's like to live a double life and lie to her loved ones. As if classes aren't hard enough to keep after, there is a mysterious pandemic that is plaguing the students, and infecting the athletes. Everyone Belle meets from the girls' dorm and from the boys' dorm will affect her overall college experience, but only a certain few will win her heart and loyalty. Final Reality Rating: Mature Audience: 18+​ ​ Description: Final Reality takes place in the Goreos Solar System on planet Belrion. Readers will meet major important characters in this series and be exposed to platonic romances, politics, superheroes, villains, violence, gore, witchcraft, spiritual warfare and action-packed environments. The reader will unlock special events, meet exclusive characters and learn hidden information that connects them to the bigger parts of the main story line for the novel if they read all the lores. These novels are vital for the reader because it will tie together all the previous 3 segments of the series up unto this point and reveal the ultimate purpose and motive of the main villain. Final Reality will be released in 4 books with a total of 16 lores. Final Reality , is the Christianized version of DC Comics, Marvel Comics , and Final Fantasy. Instead of allowing characters to keep having a story that never ends Final Reality highlights a character's life, their pain, struggles, happy moments and concludes them for better or for worse. No one's reality is the same and everyone has a final point in their reality that cannot be escaped. Death. The goal in these novels is to show the reader it is not how they start their lives, it is how they finish. For the characters in this fictional world, it is all about expressing that Griffin (Yahweh) is real, S hamayim is real, so is Hell. Characters will end up in one of those two realities despite what they believe or have been taught through people and fake religions. Final Reality will show that no matter if people are saved/not saved, pagan, evolutionist, atheist, etc. it won't matter when they die. The relationship the characters have with Griffin will matter. Those who don't have Avril Tryst (Yeshua Christ) as their Lord and Savior will spend their eternity in Hell. Griffin doesn't send souls to Hell. Anyone who chooses to reject Him and serve Canicous (Lucifer) choose Hell as a result. Final Reality is a darker novel showing serious consequences the responsibility every character has for their reality and no one ones reality is the same. In fantasy anything can happen, but in reality, serious life-changing effects happen and the reader will see that build in Final Reality . Duenna: Griffin's Chosen This project is being refined and the bio is being re-written. Check back later. Off-Set Blues® All Categories Play Video Play Video 00:58 Episode 4: Recruitment Original Artwork © Artzenin Eklektós Other Artwork © Cartoon Network TT Series Creator: Dan Hipp Music © Puffy & AmiYumi __ Episode Description: Joeleena, Kerta, and Lithium were sitting outside a café and discussing their theories as to why their book series is not being bought by anyone--not even Christians. They were suddenly interrupted by a group of super heroes from their rival network, CN. It all went down hill from there. Legal Disclaimer: AW does not own the guest star characters or the music used in the trailer. All rights reserved to the legal owners and copyright holders. Play Video Play Video 05:08 Episode 5: Amazing Aid Original Artwork © Artzenin Eklektós Other Artwork © Cartoon Network TAWOG Series Creator: Ben Bocquelet Music © Akira Tsuchiya, Ken Nakagawa & Daisuke Achiwa | Yū Takami & Shin Kōno __ Episode Description: Raven felt bad for what happened at AW HQ and sincerely wanted to apologize to Artzenin for their rudeness, but she didn't have the courage to face Artzenin or her characters. Robin attempted to call AW HQ and apologize, but didn't want to do what was asked of him, just to be in the clear. Thankfully, Beast Boy had a plan. One that would get them in good graces with Artzenin. Since this CN character owned Beast Boy a favor, that person wound up going to AW HQ on behalf of the Titans. Raven didn't have faith in Beast boy's plan, but Beast Boy was QUITE confident his plan would work and their lovely ambassador would get the job done right. Legal Disclaimer: AW does not own the guest star characters or the music used in the trailer. All rights reserved to the legal owners and copyright holders. Play Video Play Video 01:59 Episode 8: Who's The Better Fighter? Original Artwork © Artzenin Eklektós Other Artwork © Akira Toriyama Music © Yasuharu Takanashi __ Episode Description: Artzenin introduced and created a new character. This person won the interest of certain characters from a series Artzenin personally detests, and has no respect for. The main two heroes heard about our character's birth and decided to inspect their rival personally. Mainly because they seek to destroy this character. Legal Disclaimer: Legal Disclaimer: AW does not own the guest star characters or the music used in the trailer. All rights reserved to the legal owners and copyright holders. Play Video Play Video 02:43 Episode 9: What's The Sitch? Original Artwork © Artzenin Eklektós Other Artwork © Stephen Silver KP Series Creator: Bob Schooley & Mark McCorkle Music © Christina Millian __ Episode Description: Artzenin introduced, and created two new characters for the Final Reality Series. Word travels fast on the internet. AW's superhero branch, the Ascensions get an unexpected visit from Disney for once. Legal Disclaimer: Legal Disclaimer: AW does not own the guest star characters or the music used in the trailer. All rights reserved to the legal owners and copyright holders. Play Video Play Video 03:28 Episode 10: Simply Mellow & Clean Original Artwork © Artzenin Eklektós Other Artwork © Tetsuya Nomura Music © Koichi Korenaga Song: Simple & Clean Songwriter: Hikaru Utada Simple & Clean Lyrics © Walt Disney Music Company __ Episode Description: Artzenin was waiting for a special client to come to the studio, but someone beat her client to the punch. This person asked to be purified, but to his shock Artzenin declined to Christianize him and this led to a unusual compromise, one Artzenin was not ready to make. Legal Disclaimer: AW does not own the guest star characters or the music used in the trailer. All rights reserved to the legal owners and copyright holders.

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Blog Posts (40)

  • Patience & Water?

    The comparison between patience and water is a profound one. Both share remarkable qualities that evoke tranquility, resilience, and adaptability. Here is an expanded exploration of how patience mirrors the nature of water: 1. Adaptability: Water is incredibly adaptable, effortlessly conforming to the shape of its container and seamlessly adjusting to external forces. Similarly, patience allows us to adapt to changing circumstances, embracing flexibility, and remaining poised in the face of unforeseen challenges. 2. Serenity: Water exhibits a natural serenity, flowing gently or resting peacefully, creating a sense of calm and equilibrium. Likewise, patience enables us to maintain inner peace amid life's storms, fostering a mindset of composure and tranquility. 3. Persistence: Water's persistent nature is evident in its ability to carve through solid rock over time, symbolizing unwavering determination. Patience, too, embodies perseverance, empowering us to endure obstacles and carve our paths with steadfast resolve. 4. Nourishment: Just as water nourishes the earth and sustains life, patience nurtures relationships, personal growth, and the pursuit of long-term goals, providing the nourishment needed to flourish and thrive. 5. Cleansing and Clarity: Water possesses a purifying quality, washing away impurities and bringing forth clarity. Similarly, patience allows us to cleanse our minds of haste and impulsiveness, offering clarity in decision-making and fostering a deeper understanding of ourselves and others. 6. Renewal: Through the cycle of evaporation and precipitation, water exemplifies renewal and rejuvenation. Patience, too, embodies the concept of renewal, granting us the strength to rebound from setbacks and move forward with renewed hope and optimism. By drawing parallels between patience and the essence of water, we uncover a profound interconnection that invites us to embrace these shared qualities in our daily lives and transformative journeys. #AWCommuntiy #AnointedWorks #AW #6thBirthday #Blog #Wix © 2024 Anointed Works Blog written by: Vice President Lacy Jay Webb

  • Progress Report #3 (Missing!)

    Yeah, about that... To anyone reading this, we're sorry. We're just as confused as you are. We didn't forget to write this Progress Report. We were pumped for it and has a lot to discuss concerning changes for UA, seeker benefits, Tribe Wars, we were going to talk about it all. Sadly we just realized the post intended for the report was not backed up the year our team caught this awkward mistake. So, this is what we think happened. We had the post written, but forgot to save Word document. If it wasn't the Word document then we forgot to save a draft edition of the Progress Report. How would this come about? If we had to guess, it was our busy schedules, team members away on holiday or sick leave. Rather than try to recall all the details and events of 2023 and the projects Zion Studio was working o, we're just going to leave this here and see you all in the next Progress Report. Kind regards, UA Team #UACommuntiy #UnalignedAcademy #UA #ProgressReport3 Blog post written by UA Copyright © 2022 Unaligned Academy®

  • 6th Birthday

    Today marks the 6th anniversary of Anointed Works! This milestone represents years of growth and resilience, as we reflect on the challenges and triumphs that have shaped our journey. Early on, we experienced the loss of our Vice President, leading to a period of discord and uncertainty. However, through unwavering faith, we witnessed a remarkable turn of events when God guided our Vice President back to us. This reunion sparked a process of reconciliation and understanding, aligning us with a shared vision for the future. Amidst our endeavors, we encountered complexities with IRS paperwork, creating a sense of frustration and stagnation. In this time of need, we were blessed with the arrival of Chris, whose expertise and assistance allowed us to navigate through bureaucratic hurdles and emerge stronger than before. Looking ahead, we stand committed to a groundbreaking mission: the convergence of anime (Japanese Animation), donghua (Chinese Animation) and faith through a unique VN (Visual Novel) experience. This innovative project embodies our dedication to pioneering unexplored intersections of creativity and spirituality, setting a new standard in storytelling and entertainment. As we embark on this path, we carry with us the spirit of perseverance and the belief that anything is possible with faith and determination. Last year you had the opportunity to use AW services for free. However, this year we are moving to profit. We will offer exclusive website contentment to members of the site who have a paid subscription for VIP status. Bronze (Free) [X] Houses (Locked) [X] Tickets (Locked) [O] Book Tales: Character Bios [O] Book Tales: Artwork + Storyboards [O] Free eBook [X] Bard Tokens [X] Workspace [X] Bard Tales: Character Bios [X] Bard Tales: Artwork + Storyboard [X] Emporium (Locked) Silver ($2.00 USD) [O] Houses [O] Silver Ticket [O] Book Tales: Character Bios [O] Book Tales: Artwork + Storyboards [O] Free eBook [X] Bard Tokens [X] Workspace [O] Bard Tales: Character Bios [O] Bard Tales: Artwork + Storyboard [X] Emporium (Locked) Gold ($4.00 USD) [O] Houses [O] Gold Ticket [O] Book Tales: Character Bios [O] Book Tales: Artwork + Storyboards [O] Free eBook [X] Bard Tokens [O] Workspace [O] Bard Tales: Character Bios [O] Bard Tales: Artwork + Storyboard [X] Emporium (Locked) Platinum ($6.00 USD) [O] Houses [O] Platinum Ticket [O] Book Tales: Character Bios [O] Book Tales: Artwork + Storyboards [O] Free eBook [O] Bard Tokens [O] Workspace [O] Bard Tales: Character Bios [O] Bard Tales: Artwork + Storyboard [O] Emporium Bonus Content: If you remain in your House for (3) months, vote on projects or provide constuctive feedback for a project featured in Workspace, you will be allowed to join Zion Studio's Discord server. On the server you can collaborate with devs and design a bard of your own. Your bard can be drafted into any project of your choice and you will credited on Skygard, AW's official "Hall Of Fame" page for people of importance. Fun Facts: Skygard is fictional term our devs use in Search For The Griffin. Skygard translated means, "sky above all skies", the celestial realm where the Trigonous dwells. In reality, Skygard would be called Shamayim (Heaven) and Shamayim the celestial realm where Elohim (Yahweh/Ruach/Yeshua) live with seraphim, animals, Old Testament saints who have died and New Testament saints who have died. What Is A House? House Bechira (בָּחִיר means "chosen" or "selected.") House Tal'yan (תַּלְיָן means "executioner".) House Teva (תֵּבָה means "nature".) A House is your personal association to someone who the House is named after. We use Houses for fictional purposes to give our VIP members a sense of community importance. Joining a House is a great way to build connections with members of other Houses. Depending on your VIP rank will determine the perks you have for your house. The higher your VIP rank, the more rewards you can achieve. A House is not merely a title, it is also a representation of Biblical aspects (Exodus 28: 17-20, Ezekiel 28:13, Revelation 21: 19-20). Please note that you must have the proper VIP rank to unlock and join a House. This is subscription based, so if you cancel your subscription plan, you will no longer be in a House or receive VIP benefits. Blog post written by AW Copyright © 2024 Anointed Works #AWCommuntiy #AnointedWorks #AW #6thBirthday #Blog #Wix

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